Some people consider devices like iPhones and laptops to be a roadblock to an enjoyable vacation ...
While Google's walking directions came in handy many times, they weren't always correct (they are still in beta), so it's smart to keep an old fashioned paper map as well. When you get back, cancel the international data plan immediately and make sure that AT&T didn't mistakenly charge you for data roaming like it did in our case. You'll also want to carry an iPhone charger with you, or spare battery for when you run out of juice.
Wi-Fi is plentiful in Europe, so it's wise to carry a portable Wi-Fi enabled device with you such as an iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry or netbook so you can look up information, get directions, check your e-mail and even make low-cost international phone calls. ...
In some cases, we skipped the museum guides and downloaded free high-quality podcast audio tours from well-known travel author and TV host Rick Steves. The free audio tours can be downloaded from or iTunes, and they feature pictures for each stop on the tour so you can make sure you are in the right place.