Walking the Golden Gate Bridge isn't on everyone's to-do tourist list. But when this city's fabled fog parts for sunshine, it could be one of the most memorable experiences you will ever have.
At the same time, up close, you can see that each rivet is the size of a salad plate. The orange paint is slightly ocher. The pavement beneath your feet vibrates a bit from the traffic.
More than 1.8 billion vehicles have crossed the Golden Gate Bridge since it opened in 1937. Bridge officials don't keep track of how many pedestrians use the bridge, but there can be as many as 6,000 on a busy summer day, says Mary Currie, spokeswoman for the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District.
In the early 20th century, San Francisco boomed with dreamers, but ferries were the only way across the Golden Gate straits. Why? Nobody thought it was possible to build an earthquake-proof bridge there.
At the bridge's highest point, walkers stand 271 feet above the water, while the Art Deco-style towers loom another 500 feet straight up.
Other Way to see the bridge
ON FOOT: The 10-foot-wide walkway on the bridge is free and open from dawn to dusk.
BY BIKE: Bike and Roll bike rental has a "Bike the Golden Gate Bridge" tour. It's a 9-mile ride offered at 1 p.m. daily ($55) from San Francisco to Sausalito. Cyclists ride over the bridge, then take a ferry back. For info:, 415-229-2000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 415-229-2000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
BY BOAT: The Red and White Fleet has a one-hour Golden Gate Bridge tour. It's narrated by an audiotape, which is filled with tales of hair-raising San Francisco events — earthquakes, fires, Alcatraz prison escapes, runaway horses, collapsing buildings — but nothing bad about the bridge, which is good, since your little tour boat passes right under it.