2010年8月8日 星期日

SC 08-16


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(從這裡 ~ Breakfast)
Agatha Yau, a marketing executive, is one of these women. ...

"Sometimes, I'll look at the food and just smell it," Yau, 22, says one morning as she has her breakfast

In most developed parts of the world, women feel pressure to be thin.
... l perceptions of beauty

In Asia, women want to stay .... at Chinese University.

That's why, "when they want to control their body weight, they eat less or take pills" instead of exerting themselves, Lee says.

A new kind of competition

With the ... 到 You can ... thinnest (end)

"You can see how pervasive slimming is in this culture," says Yu, of the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association. In the old days, Asian women competed with one another to see how many children they could have, but now they compete to be the most successful, and the thinnest,
