2010年8月11日 星期三

SC 08-26 ~28


“Even the most intuitive people make dumb decisions now and then. Being ...


08-27 只有這段 其他的就沒了 8-28 找不到
Believing that each of our problems is unique, Mauboussin writes, is often our first decision-making mistake.This common problem is apparent when executives remain eternally optimistic about the next corporate acquisition when experience shows that acquisitions are often dismal failures. He explains that simply considering outside views and the experiences of others can improve all decisions

2010年8月9日 星期一

SC 08-17

Kidney exchanges use the oldest economic model of all - trade. Computer matching can start a chain of transplants, but the idea has a long way to go.
By Josephine Marcotty, Star Tribune

Melissa Larson sat outside a Minneapolis coffee shop staring at the brochure her doctor had just handed her. ...
(網址直接複製到 The idea這段)

原文到這段 有修改
The idea still faces daunting hurdles. It needs buy-in from more of the nation's 220 transplant hospitals, a broader set of widely accepted medical guidelines for living donors, and financial support from Medicare and other health plans. But with that support, exchanges have the potential to create a national matching system. That could save millions of dollars in the cost of treating kidney disease and end the ordeal of thousands of desperate kidney patients. (Including Melissa Larson. 課文沒有這句 接後面PAGE裡的下一段)

Such kidney exchanges are brand new, but they rely on the oldest economic model of all -- trade. Your wife gets a compatible kidney from a stranger, you give a compatible kidney to the stranger's sister. Two perfect matches -- or four or 10 or 100 -- are made by a computer that chooses the best medical and geographic combinations.

No one expects exchange pools to eliminate the deceased kidney waiting list. But some predict they could increase the number of transplants by up to 4,000 per year - the same number of people who die each year while waiting on the list.

2010年8月8日 星期日

SC 08-14

Sanrio has placed its best-selling character on almost every product imaginable, from toasters to cars, bathroom scales, shoelaces and fruit baskets.

She's gone upscale with a Sanrio Luxe store in Manhattan and appearances at New York'S
Fashion Week.


SC 8-13

FROM: http://content.usatoday.net/dist/custom/gci/InsidePage.aspx?cId=montgomeryadvertiser&sParam=38029640.story

The monarch population is typically measured by the number of acres of pine trees the butterflies fill. This year, scientists found the smallest area of monarchs overwintering in the 16 years they have been looking — down to 4.7 acres from an average of 18.3 acres, Taylor says.


Monarchs are beautiful, but creating habitats where they can thrive also benefits humans, Taylor says. Those habitats also "protect other insects, the little guys whose life's work is to pollinate our nuts, our fruits and our vegetables."

SC 8-30 8-31

08-31 Some campers partake...

SC 8 23~ 25

8-24 He has no modern reference points. ...
8-25 Last year, ...

SC 8-20 21

8-21 "I believed there was ...

SC 8-18 ~19

The movie: an adaptation of Sara Gruen's 2006 bestselling novel "Water for Elephants," about a veterinary student who quits his ...

The Elyeas were still living in their Hollywood apartment when Jim landed his first major job, supplying military gear to Oliver Stone's film "Platoon." He shipped 85 boxes of flak vests, helmets, machetes and other gear to the Philippines.

08-19 開始
Opening in a small storefront in North Hollywood, the company rapidly expanded after it acquired a warehouse full of props from Paramount Studios in 1989. ...
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SC 08-16


建議 先看過 (已經弄完了)

(從這裡 ~ Breakfast)
Agatha Yau, a marketing executive, is one of these women. ...

"Sometimes, I'll look at the food and just smell it," Yau, 22, says one morning as she has her breakfast

In most developed parts of the world, women feel pressure to be thin.
... l perceptions of beauty

In Asia, women want to stay .... at Chinese University.

That's why, "when they want to control their body weight, they eat less or take pills" instead of exerting themselves, Lee says.

A new kind of competition

With the ... 到 You can ... thinnest (end)

"You can see how pervasive slimming is in this culture," says Yu, of the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association. In the old days, Asian women competed with one another to see how many children they could have, but now they compete to be the most successful, and the thinnest,

SC 8-9 ~8-11 8-12

8-10 That's scary news for... (這邊開始)
8-11 The essence of the app's (這邊開始)
